For nearly four months, I could not have renewed my blog article. Junko and I are fine, but my cat, Ko-nyanko, has suffered from acute kidney failure this summer. Fortunately, thanks to our veterinarian, he recovered from his illness and fine now. Indeed, taking care of pet is demanding. The pet owner must always pay special attention to a small member of family.
Also, we have been extreemly busy for launching new educational projects. Nevertheless, I regret I should have renewed my blog....
By the way, there are still COVID-19 patients in Japan though the number is sharply dropping. Some Japanese are very optimistic about post-COVID-19 world, but we shoudl be cautious. Medical scientists don't conquer the virus completely. Vaccinationh is far from perfect. Infact, some of my clients (who finishied vaccination) were infected with COVID-19. I expect we will have cope with this virus worldwide next year.
COVID-19 has changed our lives as well as various fields drastically.
An academic meeting, the International Meeting of Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM), was supposed to be held in Marseille, France in this June. This is one of the crucial academic meetings for cognitive psychologists who specialize in expertise and intuition. However, due to travel restriction, the meeting was cancelled.The next meeting will be two years later in the U.S..
In school and university, distance education is becoming more common. However, majority of pupils and students seem not to be satisfied with online programs. Yesterday, I happened to watch some news video clips. They reported that roughly 70 to 80% of students and parents are not happy with virtual classrooms. They still firmly believe that lessons should be taught in traditional classroom. Public may need more time to accept this new type of educational methods....
In our working place, remote work is also becoming common. However, some working adults feel working at home is stressful. They claim the threshold between work and private is lower. Therefore, they cannot feel themselves at home at all. It looks like a big brother is watching them at home....
Again, we must tackle some challenges COVID-19 has brought about. Sky Business and I will continuously offer useful educational information sources and programs.