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The 14th International Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making

'A Journey to Meet the World's NDM Heros'
San Francisco, CA, USA, Jun. 17-21, 2019

Marine's Memorial Club and Hotel

At reception

Name tag and brochure

Lecture Hall

Workshop: Ms. Laura Militello (L) of Applied Decision Science, Dr. Emily Patterson (R) of Ohio State Univ., and Dr. Emilie Roth of Roth Cognitive Engineering.

A keynote speaker, Prof. Ben Shneiderman (Univ. of Maryland)

Dr. Klein (L) introduces Prof. Shneiderman (C) to the audience. Ms. Militello (R) on the stage.

Where is Jun? (Photo: Prof. Shneiderman)

Poster session

With Dr. Deborah Klein, a daughter of Dr. Gary Klein. She is also a cognitive psychologist.

Ms. Ashley Ferkol, a PhD student of the Uni. of Edinburgh

With Dr. Brian Moon, President of Sero and a co-researcher of Dr. Klein

Dinner at Aquarium of the Bay

My NDM friends, cheers!

Dr. Daniel Serfaty, Principal founder and CEO of APTIMA gave his presentation.

Dr. Robert Hoffman is writing his autograph on the book cover of his book.

It reads, 'Jun, Wonderful to meet you! Glad my work is of value! -Robert R. Hoffman'.

With Dr. Hoffman. His co-authored book, 'Minding The Weather' (MIT Press) is a must-read book for any NDMers.

With Emeritus Prof. Ranaan Lipshitz of the Univ. of Haifa, the world's leading authority on organizational learning.

With Dr. Judith Orasanu, a founder of NDM. I call her, 'My mother in academia'. Junko Nara told me she looks like her.

With Dr. Gary Klein. I always call him, 'My father in academia'. Look like real father and son?

With Ms. Laura Militello, the world's expert on Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA). She is 'My sister in academia'.

From Left: Ms. Wendy Jephson, Chief behavioral scientist at Nasdaq, Dr. Klein and Dr. Julie Gore, Uni. of Bath

Dr. Gore introduced Ms. Jephson to the audience.

With Ms. Militello (C) and Ms. Christen Sushereba (R), a Research associate of Applied Decision Science, LLC.

With Ms. Tiffany Estep, a Research associate of ShadowBox, LLC. She greatly contributed to NDM-14 as the organizer. Thank you, Tiffany!

With Ms. Emily Newsome, a Research associate of ShadowBox, LLC. Emily, Christine, Tiffany, and Katie worked hard for this Conference as assistants.

With Mr. Joseph Borders, a Research associate and Project manager of MacroCognition, LLC and ShadowBox, LLC. No doubt, Joseph will become the next NDM leader.

Thank you so much, Dr. Klein! See you at NDM-15!

Just back to Narita Airport, Japan!
'Thank you, the world's NDMers! See you at NDM-15 in 2021!'
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