Year Review 2020 & New Year Message 2021

No doubt, for all of us, the year 2020 was a challenging year. Since the Covid-19 pandemic, everything in our lives has been changed dramatically -staying home, social distance, travel restriction, school closure, etc. We, Sky Business, Co. Ltd., would like to show our greatest condolence to all victims of Covid-19 and hope more patients will recover from this new disease.
Personally, in May last year, President Junko Nara suffered from acute gallstone pancreatitis and was hospitalized for a month. Fortunately, she recovered from the disease. Now, she is working with me together. Indeed, We, Sky Business, had a very hard time last year but thanks to your support we could welcome a new year, 2021.
It's hard to predict accurately what the new year 2021 will be, but it will be sure that we still have to fight this worldwide pandemic. The first thing to do is that we must avoid further infection. Because the effect of vaccination and anti-virus is suspicious, we must protect ourselves on our own.
The next thing is to find another way to adjust ourselves to new life style. For instance, in English speaking countries, online education is no longer special. In fact, there are many excellent programs. However, many students and instructors in Japan are not familiar with online education. Japanese people would have to learn new learning and instruction methods via the Internet. Of course, business styles will have been changing. remote working will be much common anywhere in the world. However, I don't think it means our business opportunities will be limited. Rather, we will have to seek new opportunities.
Although we don't know when this pandemic will be over, I hope all of you will have a happy new year.