Cognitive interview (4) Dr. Renzan Matsuda@Matsuda Renshido

Yesterday, I visited Dr. Renzan Matsuda, Clinic director of the Matsuda Renshido in Narimasu, Itabashi-ward, Tokyo for my cognitive interview.
Dr. Matsuda is a so-called 'elite' acupuncture doctor in the Hokushinkai, one of the biggest acupuncture organization. He joined the organization when he was a college student.
After finishing acupuncture college, he became an apprentice of Dr. Renpu Fujimoto, Founder and Grand Maaster of the Hokushinkai. Dr. Matsuda used to live in the Fujimoto Kansyoin Clinic for 3 years. Under the supervision of Dr. Fujimoto, he successfully completed rigorous training program.
The Hokushinkai has its unique training program. Only handful apprentices are allowed to study at the Kanshoin Clinic (this system is very similar to become resident physicians at prestigious university hospitals).
Presently, Dr. Matsuda is running his acupuncture clinic in his home town, Narimasu. Also, he educates the next generation of acupuncture doctor in the study groups of the Hokushinkai and deals with the bulletin magazine, 'Hokuto', as the chief editor.
As an NDM researcher, I was very interested in how grand master of acupuncture teaches his tacit knowledge to disciples through explicit knowledge. This was my purpose to conduct this cognitive interview. I asked Dr. Matsuda about his personal experience at the Fujimoto Kanshoin Clinic.
Fortunately, he generously shared his precious story with me. He mentioned that mastering acupuncture skills looks like mastering martial arts. In fact, Dr. Matsuda holds 5-dan blackbelt of shorinji Kempo. He emphasized the importance of basic skills and forms.
As he improved his diagnostic skills, he realized his sensemaking skills became more sophisticated. That is to say, he can diagnose his patients in various approaches and different points of view.
Besides his personal training experience, we talked about mindset and attitude towards acupuncture, education at the Hokushinkai, education and society in Japan as a whole, etc. Because his stories lie in his rigorous training and clinical experience as an acupuncture doctor, his lessons are very persuasive and convincing.
The interview was supposed to be 90 minutes. However, We noticed it was more than 4 hours when we closed the interview! Dr. Matsuda shared his precious time with me without any hesitation.
When I left his clinic, he told me:
'An acupuncture doctor must take full responsibility for caring the patient's life. an educator must take full responsibility for dealing with the student's life. We should bear in mind that.'
This remark was truly meaningful and impressive to me.
Here, I would like to show my greatest appreciation to Dr. Renzan Matsuda and Hokushinkai.
Thank you very much.